Ultrasonic Repelling Change

Success in Repelling Bats Away!
In our experience, usually, we find bats leave faster, and the success rate is higher when you:
Have an Ultrasonic bat repeller with speakers strong enough to fill a 7,000 sq ft open warehouse.
Use multiple units to provide room-to-room coverage.
Are using outside, aim the speakers (like aiming a flashlight) directly towards the point of entry / hangout.
Have the ability to change the way the Ultrasonic Sounds Repel with our bespoke Bat-repelling features.

1-2-3, Super Easy Setup
Our Advanced Ultrasonic Bat Repeller is as easy to use as opening the package and follow our Quick Guide. A switch here or there, and you're ready to Power Out Your Pest Problem with the Maximum Power that the Advanced Ultrasonic Bat Repeller has to offer.
We also include paperwork designed to help you like Repelling Times, What to Expect & What to do Next if a pest problem won't go away.
So when that challenging pest issue arises, we will be there to help you with a solution.
Multiple Switches Give You Control




Powerful Speakers
These Powerful but Safe Ultrasonic Sounds are rated to cover around 7,000 square feet (open area, no walls, no doors in its way) with the ability to focus its repelling power toward a specific pest issue.
What does Open Area Coverage mean?
Ultrasonic Sound is still sound… Similar to a radio or TV, the sounds will fill whatever room the CB006 is in, but they have a hard time penetrating walls and doors.
If you put this unit in an open 7,000 sq. ft. warehouse, the sounds will fill the entire warehouse.
If you put this unit in the room below an attic, the sounds will fill that room and some sounds will penetrate the sheetrock and insulation into the attic—but they won’t be able to fill the entire attic.
Introducing the Cleanrth CB006 Advanced Ultrasonic Bat Repelling System, equipped with our groundbreaking Batonic technology. Prepare for a revolution in ultrasonic pest repellents, ensuring unparalleled effectiveness and absolute peace of mind. With our exclusive Batonic feature, you're in command, choosing between Batonic setting 1, where each speaker unleashes a distinct blasting tone, or Batonic setting 2, which continuously cycles through all ultrasonic sounds within the bat hearing range.”
Bat Targeting Switch
The Bat Targeting Switch includes two Powerful Bat Repelling Zones. When using Stage 1, the bat repeller will focus its Ultrasonic Sounds & Electromagnetic Repelling in the higher frequencies of what bat pests can hear.
The Stage 2 position will change to the lower frequencies of bat's hearing range. This type of DIY repelling power has received great feedback from our customers on how well they can affect their own results.
Bespoke settings
Every Cleanrth Bat repeller comes equipped with multiple switches that utilize our bespoke switches that give you the ability to mix-and-match settings to find the perfect combo for your situation!
Having these features gives you the power to change things up when that challenging bat exclusion issue comes along.
Advanced , Multi-Pest Control



Electromagnetic Repelling
Inner-wall Electromagnetic Repelling utilizes the internal wires to help stop bats from traveling inside the walls
Frequencies are above humans', cats', and dogs' hearing ranges - safe to use around kids, dogs, cats, and non-rodent pets'
Safe Bat Exclusion
Safe and cruelty-free method of pushing bats away from your business, home, or space without causing any harm using powders, adhesives, or ingredients
It can be used indoors, outdoors and works excellent on the end of extension cords for those hard-to-reach places.
Bat repelling results are usually accomplished around the 16-20 day mark worth of repelling, sometimes sooner.
Outdoor Bat Repelling
If you don't have access to your attic or when the bats are congregating outside; you'll get best results using the device outside where the bats are:
Water resistant (can be lightly rained on or splashed) but not waterproof (don't let it sit in a puddle)
Without walls to contain the sound, you'll get best results using an extension cord to aim the speakers directly at the bats location or entry point at the attic/barn/ eaves/louvre shed/shingles/ window covers

Where can I use this device?




Inside Homes and Businesses
Living Rooms
Wine Cellars
Arctic Entries
Businesses & Public Venues
Outside Homes and Businesses
Front Porches
Decks & Patios
Roof Overhangs & Eaves
Pergolas and Gazebos
Safe for kids and pets
No powders
Ultrasonic sounds
Safe to use around children, cats, dogs, birds, and most other non-rodent pets